
last day.

once upon a time:

wow. this is it. this is the LAST DAY. like i remember when i was in the single digits, but it was for how many days i had been here. i still remember playing "speed" in the airport with dawanna, lily, and elizabeth waiting for our planes back in January. this has gone by so fast. i wish i could have a lady from the court who could type all that i was thinking really fast so i would always have it on file. my stomach is queasy and my throat is sore. its like half of my body is telling me, "don't go, sarah, you have made so many new friends and seen such amazing architecture and people. you know you will miss simply waking up with the alps in view and wine vineyards everywhere!" and the other half is saying, "OMG! in two days you get to hug mom and dad, not blowing kisses over skype, but feeling them embrace you and smelling their comforting smell. you get to show them and madd and kayla and everyone else, the little things you got them that you know will make them smile. what a story you have to share!". my goodness the different emotions that are running through me are unexplainable. oh how i will miss all my new friends here, it is sad having to say goodbye, knowing that we are all going on with the same experience and now are going to live our lives back in our normal habitats. crazy....

tomorrow i leave in the morning around 7 and catch a train close to Lignano. we stop to pick up more people in Venice and then head towards Rome, picking up more and more students at each stop. we get to Rome aroun 3:30 and we have the night to hang out, maybe do a few activities, and to enjoy the last night with all our new friends :) && ): Friday morning we leave for the airport and the americans take off just before 7 am. we land in New York at about 1 pm and all go our separate ways. I head to my gate and at 4 o'clock i leave for Arizona. i get to Arizona at 6:56 and all the whole trip right then, becomes just a memory. how quickly all this is happeneing. this time tomorrow, i will be almost to Arizona :( && :) ahhh.

how fast this went by.

then end:
ciao ciao
ti voglio bene