

so a lot has happened in the last week. i will start with Verona. we got there after 2 long train rides. we met everyone at the train station in Verona and immidiately started to reconnect. i was able to meet with one of my American friends who i haven't talked to since we split up in Rome back in January. it was so great to be able to talk to her and stuff. so we got our little name tags and i ended up with another Austrailian friend of mine, Claire, while Moni was with Elizabeth (my American friend) and our other American friend, Avio, was on his own. it was pretty much the 5 of us the whole time. we were having so much fun, but i don't think the others likes us that much. the camp was made up of about 89% year students who all spoke really good italian and us "english speakers" were all 6 monthers so we couldn't as well. Avio is a year student though, but he wanted to speak english instead. many of the other 6 monthers were also from South America and other places where the transition from Spanish to Italian was easier than it was form English to Italian. anyways. we still tried italian and when we did the activities with AFS and stuff, it was always in italian. it was at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and the free times when we would all be crazy and speaking english. so thursday was filled with activites....the first one which Moni, Liz and i were late to. we were up in the room and didn't know we had to meet. when we were told we ran down, but then moni got a bloody nose so we had to go back up to the room so that she could get some tissues and stuff. that kinda made the AFS people mad. everyone was waiting and when we got there, they made us to 10 squats in fron of everyone since we were late....yah it was great. lets see. Friday we had more activities and we played soccer and football and yah. that night i talked with one of the AFS ladies about my family. for awhile i had been unhappy at the house. i guess so were they, they had called the local chapter lady with AFS and said they wanted me to switch. it was pretty saddening. i didn't know they felt that way either. so yah. the camp was filled with more activities and then sunday we headed home. yesterday was monday. i had packed most everything on sunday night and just finished monday. i realized how truely bad it was when my host mom didn't plan on coming home to even say goodbye, but instead leave a note that said to clean the bathroom and stuff and to leave my keys and have a good trip. unfortunately for her, Giada needed to go to her driving class so she had to come home. she came up to me and shook my hand and then left me to wait for my new mom. i was an emotional wreck. i had talked to mom and was in tears and i was wondering if i had done something wrong and if i could fix it. finally my new mom came. i was so expecting to cry again, but she actually made me feel a lot better. she told me we lived right inside the center of Udine so i can go out whenever i want and do whatever. i now have a 19 year old brother(i have met him before because he is one of the liaisons of the other students...he's pretty cool) a 16 year old brother and a 12 year old sister(who i get to share the room with). i got there and it was just me and my mom. and i have internet!!! yay like i have wifi on my computer so now i can skype which again made me feel even better. i unpacked...blahhh...and then got on facebook. i talked to maddy and checked my facebook. then everyone came home. i watched as the dad set the table (a first for me here) and then sat down and ate. it was pretty good. The dad actually talked...like he would join me in the conversation when they wanted my opinion. after dinner the mom cleaned the kitchen after i asked if she needed help, i was told to go upstairs ahah. well then i checked some more facebook and got ready for bed. today i woke up at like 7 and got a ride to school. so much different than how it was before. i already feel more comfortable. its great. so anyways. life is good. i am planning a beach party with the "english speakers" sometime kinda as a going away party. it should be fun. and as far as i am concerned. the switch was the best choice i have made :)

la vita รจ grande

ciao ciao. bacio

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